
Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

After having the best day in a while, Kristin started contracting again today. At about 2:30 AM Kristin began contracting. Procardia and Breathine had little effect. Therefore, she is back on the magnesium sulfate. Definitely not what we wanted to happen. So it appears that the infection in the lungs may not of been the cause of the contractions. This means we are back to square one, and it appears that Kristin may be here indefinitely. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have some better news to report. Until then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grrrrr -- when are you guys gonna catch a break???? I was so excited when I talked to her yesterday and she was having such a great day. Hope that the mag works and they get the contractions under control. Let her know I'm thinking of her.