
He said...She said

They say that medicine is an art...Each doctor sees medicine a bit different. Originally, Dr Wagner used the chest x-ray to say that Kristin had pnoumia. Then the Pulmenology specialist came in and said that the x-ray was inconclusive and that he was 95% positive that she did not have pnoumia. Later in the day we saw the infectious disease specialist, Dr Kahn. Dr. Kahn stated he was 100% that she did have pnoumia. He said listed several reasons and was able to convince both Bruce and I. Later in the day Kristin was transported to the Cooper building for a CT of her lungs to check for blood clots. Results showed that she did not have any blood clots and it proved that she did have pnoumia. This was great news since it may be a cause for all the garbage going on. The antibiotics that Kristin is currently on double covers any possible bug that may have caused the infection. Today looks like it will mainly be a day of resting. Kristin and I just returned from the shower....Sounds sexy, but not really! :) She is feeling a lot better as her energy level has increased a bit and she doesn't currently smell.


Anonymous said...

Once again, I commend you Rod for being so caring and attentive to Kristin and your baby. I had a dream about you guys last night, I don't remember much except you were going somewhere to stay in a hotel and that you were going to play raquetball!! All was well with the baby, but like I said I don't remeber much else. Well I just want you to know that when this little human comes out (hopefully not for a while yet), and the two of you need a break and some "together" time, call us. We will gladly watch the baby. Rod, I think you should know that all Drs. are a like, assholes-you just can't seem to get a straight answer from any of them. SEE-it's just not Bay Med, IT'S EVERYWHERE!! Take care of yourselves, we love you and are praying for you. Let us know if you need ANYTHING!!! PLEASE-Packards

snarflemarfle said...

Kristin and Rod both -

Rest, rest, rest! You both have been through alot. I'm praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Make the best of your "home away from home."
Kristin, I like the hand jewelry!
The pierced look!!
Thanx for the flow of info-
from wherever it comes.

Anonymous said...

Hey-I so look forward to reading the updates, crossing my fingers that something positive is happening. I miss your weekly belly shots. I hope you aren't losing weight and that the little one is growing stronger everyday. God bless all three of you. Colleen P.S. I know this doesn't have anything to do with what's going on with you guys, but I thought this might take your mind off of things for-ahh-maybe 30 seconds--I passed my stats class with an 89%, not bad for an old lady like me-huh???? Love, hugs, and kisses. Oh, one more thing, just for all of this that you are going through, you get 5 nights of free babysitting from us. They can be used anyway you want to, over night, 5 hrs. here, three hours there, etc. C.P.