
How to say Thanks

Kristin continues to do well on her long road to recovery. She has been very tired today due to not eating since Monday. TPN has been ordered and will hopefully return some energy as it provides calories and some nutrition via IV. Today she has gone for two short walks and is making good progress.

As the days pass, we begin to realize exactly how serious this infection was. Women's OB in Saginaw is Kristin's OB group practice. So far 4 of the 6 doctors have stopped in to check on Kristin, or just say hello and wish us well. Some of them have come in on their own time (not on call). So, I would like to thank all of the doctors, especially Dr. Ladonna Jones for their professionalism and overall caring for my wife. Bruce normally has wise words for me....one thing he normally tells me is either "Thanks for doing your job" or "Thanks for locking up the bad guys". I must admit that I have stolen these words and used them several times in the past 2 months. Last night Dr. Jones was telling Kristin how lucky she was to be alive. She said, "If we wouldn't have gotten to that infection quickly, it would have killed you." At this point, I made it a point to thank her for saving her life. I said, "Thanks for doing your job." "No problem." she replied. I have realized that being a doctor is a unique profession, but possibly similar to being a cop. Here this lady is responsible for saving my wife's life and all I can do is say thanks. She put herself through years of education and countless hours of practicing her art, all for us. I have directly reaped the benefits of her hard work. Sure the pay is good, but if the job was easy then we would all be doctors. So I encourage anyone reading this to call or write Women's OB and thank their staff on our behalf. I have tried to think of a way to show my appreciation. Like many cops, they don't want to be called a hero. But a smile, a handshake, and a "Thanks for doing your job" goes a long way.

Women's OB
5400 Mackinaw Rd.
Saginaw, MI 48604
(989) 792-3100


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are quite right, Rod; often a simple "thank you" is all it takes and is really appreciated on the receiving end (speaking personally as well!). i did sent a note to them!