
Pluggin' Along

Not much new to report around here. We're still fussy (not just V...) and no teeth have arrived yet. She might have a little cough, but there's not much we can do but let it run its course. We bought some fun new finger foods today, and Victoria wanted to share with you all!

Also, I forgot to share the pics I got from Jen of Ayden and Miss V (and Nat-Nat!) from Labor Day weekend:


Anonymous said...

We tried veggie puffs this weekend. Boy, was that messy!

Little V is just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Victoria looks a little sleepy eyed in the photo on her tummy. Oh, by the way, you can keep that disgusting looking piece of food. Thanks for sharing. When you get up to eating chicken or steak, then maybe I'll take your offer. C