
Could it be???

Could she maybe look like her mommy, and not just her daddy???

Here's a photo of me when I was a baby (3 months).
And here's Miss V...


Anonymous said...

I say she looks like her Mommy now. I have that photo of you displayed right next to the photo of Victoria. I can still remember when that 3 month photo was taken ;)
Love and hugs, Mom

Anonymous said...

I'll say it if you want me too1 No all kidding aside she really does look some like you but I'm sorry she looks like her daddy a lot! Give it time to cuz Faith is starting to look more like her mommy now too! One thing is for sure we all know you are her mommy! Love, Mom (Penny)

Anonymous said...

Dunno, sis. You may be able to claim the mouth, chin, and nose, but the eyes are still from her dad's side. (Not that I check out Rod's eyes all that often.)
On the flip side, you look more like dad in that picture but definitely ended up with more of mom's family's characteristics.

- Jeff

Anonymous said...

This is V on her own. With her own personality already developing. And it doesn't take long before I miss her when we leave your house to come back to Lexington.

Give her a good snuggle from me!