
Latest Update

Once again this is Rod....

Kristin is doing much better, and Victoria is still doing well. Today the news has gotten better. Only a few contractions and a good amount of rest have helped a great deal. Kristin is now allowed to get out of bed...funny being she is too exhausted to do so. After swinging her legs over the bed, she called it quits and went back to resting. This exhaustion is apparently from the magnesium sulfate, which is a heavy muscle-relaxing agent. The liquid only diet is also off and I just ordered Kristin some fresh fruit and an egg salad sandwich. Hopefully food will equal energy. The bad news is that since Kristin is more "stable", they are looking at moving her to another area of the floor. Unfortunately she may end up with a roommate, which will essentially kick Bruce and I to the curb for the night. Luckily that unit is full at the moment so we remain in our nice private space.

Thanks to Bruce for coming and staying with Kristin last night. This allowed me to return to work and get some much-needed rest this morning. Also thanks to everyone that has called or sent Flowers. Post any questions in the comments section and I will answer or ask the doctor as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rod,
For a man of few words you really shine as a writer!
Thanks for keeping us posted.
CU, Jim B.