
October Midwife Appointment

Well, yet another uneventful ob appointment, but that's a good thing! Well, it was relatively uneventful. Suki was a little surprised by my 12 lb. weight gain within the last month, but recovered quickly and reassurred me that I'm now where I'm supposed to be for weight gain. I got okayed to travel on an airplane, which is good since I leave tomorrow morning for Chicago (yay!). Suki also told me that it's normal for me to still be feeling the BH contractions, but to really make sure I'm staying hydrated (my biggest stumbling block so far) - especially when I'm flying.

We officially made the decision today to go with midwives for the delivery. So now the main thing is to meet the other two (Kelly and MaryJo) so we're comfortable with all three. Our next prenatal appointment is in four weeks (I'll be 26 weeks), and then from there we start on the two week cycle (beginning at 28 weeks)!!! I guess they'll also order more blood work to check my glucose levels, make sure I'm not getting gestational diabetes.

Suki brought out the trusty doppler so we could hear the heartbeat, and Rod was able to use our new digital camera to video tape that. I'm going to try to figure out how to put a link in here for that... check back maybe sometime next week on that one.

Appointment Stats:
Kristin's Blood Pressure: 104/64 (up a tiny bit, but no big deal)
Baby's Heartrate: 150 (it was kind of all over the place, but that might have something to do with the few sips of coffee I had before I went in)
Height of Fundus: 24cm.
Weight Gained from last appt: 12 lbs.!!

We tried to get them to sneak us in for an ultrasound today, but were unsuccessful. The good news is that we've got one scheduled for October 31st!!! We have to pay for it, but will finally get a good look at how this little one is growing ~ and of course (hopefully) what this "it" is!!!

Ultrasound appointment: Monday, Oct. 31st with the u/s tech.

Next appt: Wednesday Nov. 16th with Kelly (midwife)

1 comment:

snarflemarfle said...

Yea for a good appointment! Sounds like you and Rod have everything under control. I wish I felt a little more prepared...