
A step in the right direction!

Victoria moved to a crib yesterday!!! I called in the morning before I headed over to the NICU to find out how her night went. The nurses told me the doctor said it was time for a crib! They now monitor her closely for a day or so to make sure she can maintain her temperature (under all the layers of clothes, of course!). He also asked that I breastfeed her for 12 hours worth of feedings in a row (4 feedings). I did that yesterday. That's to make sure Victoria will still be able to thrive with me exclusively nursing. Though, we will bottle feed occasionally, I imagine, when convenient.Hopefully, if all goes well, we might have a complete family at home by the weekend! It is getting more and more difficult not to get anxious for her homecoming!

The opthamologist checked Victoria's eyes yesterday, and said he doesn't see much change (which is a good thing) in the level of the ROP. We'll still have regular follow up visits with him after Victoria is discharged.

Her weight gain seems to be evening out - Monday she gained 20 grams, and last night she gained 45. We're now 5 lbs, 5.4 oz.


Anonymous said...

Way to go! How thrilling to see Victoria in a crib now. Seems she is doing well with her feedings with your patience and encouragement to keep her awake to nurse sufficiently. I'm so happy to hear of her progress.Keep up the progress. Love and hugs, especially a big snuggle to Victoria. Mom(Busha)

Tonia said...

That is so great. Congrats on the crib Victoria. I hope you guys get to take her home soon!

D&G Anderson said...

May your ride home be as though you were in a parade! In fact, put your flashers on and let everyone know that the princess is on her way HOME!!!!!!! Sooooo happy for you.


Anonymous said...

I am sitting here reading this and balling my eyes out because I can't believe how far you have all come down this bumpy road of life! I am so excited for Victoria to come home soon! I have to come to Bay City Thursday and Friday for in-service for work, but because I have the sniffles I will not be coming around any of you! I am very sad about that!! I can't wait to see how red her hair is in person! She looks so good in that crib! Drive careful on the way home with her. Love, Mom (Penny) P.S. Our home phone and my office home phone have been out of order off and on for 2 days.

Anonymous said...

Yea! So excited to hear the good news! Jayne