
A few one-liners courtesy of Victoria:
(At the airport) "Look, an airplane!", "Look, another airplane, and another airplane and another airplane!"

She's big into expressions...
"I'm so happy today!", "I'm so happy to see you!", "What a beautiful day today!"

The condo has a screened in porch. V was putting her hands on the screen, stopped, said, "Hang on, I'll be right back!" Went running into the kitchen, grabbed a few pieces of fake fruit out of a bowl, brought them back and proceeded to "feed" them to the screen saying, "Here you go, sweetie!"

I'm going to try in the next few days to get video of her new phrase when she starts to panic in the water (when her feet are floating out from under her, for example): "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay!"

And sitting by the little river by the condo, "Look! El Rio Rapido!" (thanks to Dora for teaching V how to say the fast river in spanish). We met some people in the pool who were talking about learning basic phrases so we learned that the river is much more Despacio (slow) than rapido.

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