
Who knew?

Having dogs our whole lives meant that we knew dogs could get Parvovirus. Didn't know until today that people can get it, too. Though the kind people get is different than the dog/cat strain.

The doc at the medxpress is pretty sure Victoria has Fifth Disease. It's not really a disease, but a virus - what they call the "slapped-cheek" virus.

It makes for a moody child with a small appetite and a short temper, whose face is all blotchy and whose body is full of little red bumps. :( No quick fix, just have to ride it out. Luckily, there are still occasional happy moments (usually brought on by frozen blueberries or raspberries!)


Plant Girl said...

Poor V! Any idea where she got it from?

Maybe that's a dumb question but I'm guessing since the human form is a different strain than cats/dogs that it can't be from the dog...

Did the doc say how long until it was better?

Anonymous said...

Kristin, I had it when I was pregnant with Greer...so did Easton. Good thing is...once you have it you never get it again. i got it from the kids in my class. It lasted about 6 weeks and just looked like a sunburn on my arms and face with that lacey appearance. Low grade fever with it,too. They told me once you show symptoms you are no longer contagious. That I picked it up a month earlier.

:) Gina

Anonymous said...

How's miss V feeling lately?