
So fast

It's still amazing to me to step back and take inventory of everything Victoria has learned/is learning. The two things she's focusing her learning on right now are jumping (we'll work on getting a video uploaded), whistling/blowing bubbles, and counting. She actually counted to 10 the other day! I would say each number after her, and she'd go on to the next number. The number 3 seems to be the biggest catch. Most of the time, it's 1, 2, 1, 4, 5... We'll get there soon enough!

She also getting better about putting two- and three-word sentences together. The longest is "By guys, see you!" but there are others (of course, I can't think of any examples right now, other than "sit down" and "all done"), and the babbling sentences are getting more and more frequent as she tries to carry on a conversation. Her manners are great - she says please and thank you (and even at the appropriate times!)

It's difficult to figure out sometimes whether she's simply identifying something, or if she wants it. She has really begun pointing and labeling everything (blanket, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, pillow, chair, hair, arm, feet, toes, jump, climb... the list seems endless). I don't think I could list everything she knows how to say. She's trying to repeat everything we tell her, and you can almost see her filing it in her brain for future reference.

Her food sensitivities (to strawberries and tomatoes - yay spaghetti and hot dogs in ketchup!) seem to be gone now, and pasta seems by far to be her favorite thing to eat. Though she'll eat pretty much any fruit you put in front of her, and she loves veggies, too: peas, beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli. Favorite snacks include oatmeal breakfast cookies and mini whole grain strawberry newtons.

What else? I guess that's it for updates for now.

Is that a creature from Star Wars???
Nope! Just our own little ewok. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the hooded sweatshirt monster! Cute as a bug! Miss you guys! Love, Mom (Penny)