
Destined to be odd

The number of teeth in Victoria's mouth, that is! She's been stuck at 7 teeth since January:

I finally was able to feel around a little bit in that mouth, and found not one, but two more teeth! Finally the fourth front bottom tooth has appeared, along with a molar on the upper right. Fun days for us!


snarflemarfle said...

Oh, dear! I am not looking forward to molars! We've just had #3 poke through...

Sami said...

And what a beautiful smile she has - looks like she's getting ready to play!

Plant Girl said...

I'm not looking forward to molars either...teething stinks! Hope her teeth aren't bothering her too badly.

JoyFilled said...

LOL...sounds like Ivey! She had 6 (4 top, 2 bottom) for the longest time...then popped a molar through before she decided to get another bottom front one! Thankfully she's an easy teether!

Love the pic! Does she enjoy brushing her teeth? Ivey seems to think it's torture.