As the ticker gets closer to what would have been Victoria's first birthday going by her due date, I thought I'd post a little "Where is she now" in terms of development. I guess Victoria is falling somewhere in the middle of her actual and adjusted ages. People always ask if she's talking (yes) and walking (kind of).
Here's the rundown:
I finally got a video of her walking - Click
HERE for that. She's getting to the point where I don't need to coax or lure her to get her walking on her own. She'll be in the living room and she'll just let go of the couch and walk toward something she wants.
As far as words go, she can't quite get Mama yet, but here's the list of what she can say (some all sound alike, but in context mean different things):
tickle tickle
moo (if you ask her what a cow says)
book (or bookie)
Things she understands: she can point to head, ears, eye, nose, teeth, toes. She knows what No means, but hardly ever stops what we're telling her to stop (pushing buttons on the tv, dvd player, dish receiver, tuner, etc, pulling everything and anything of the coffee table, end tables, anything else that's within reach, playing with vertical blinds - just to name a few). She loves to read and be read to. No matter what she's doing, if I ask her if she wants to read a book, she comes right over.
She gives great kisses - and kisses everything - people, books, her reflection in the mirror, in the oven door
She can dance (video
And she loves playing with the radio and the light switches on the counter (don't worry - neither of the switches controls a garbage disposal!).