
Ready for the party!

For the first time, we have real pig-tails! Though it seems like Victoria's hair has been growing like crazy, there's still barely enough to get into a few holders. We did manage (with the help of Little Einsteins) to get two pig-tails in, but we'll see how long they last. I had to take a few photos just in case they don't last long! BTW - the clothes are 2T, which you can see are still a bit too big - but most 18 month stuff just barely fits.

Rod taught V last night how to say how old she is when she's asked, tho it comes out more like "Tee-ooo!"

The cupcakes are baked (but not yet frosted) and spaghetti's on the menu for dinner. Let the festivities begin!

Now, only 4 more hours till family arrives...

1 comment:

Plant Girl said...

Happy Birthday Miss V!!