
Braxton Hicks Contractions?

Well, it was a long day yesterday, filled with shopping with mom for hours, ending in a small birthday party for me at the house. I was on my feet all day. Mom and I got some great maternity outfits for me for work and play. And we had a fun little gathering with Chad, Vicki & Caiden; Dan, Gina & Easton; mom, dad and Jeff.

Last night, though, I felt something throughout the night that was completely different from the muscle pulls and stretches I've been feeling. From what I can find online, they were most likely BH. It felt like someone was just squeezing my uterus! Not in a painful way, just uncomfortable enough to half wake me up. Finally, early Saturday morning, Rod got up, and got me a bottle of water, which helped to stop them.

Guess it's something I'll have to keep an eye on...

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